Noodmaatregelen Australië m.b.t. Xylella fastidiosa voor bloembollen uitgesteld
Op 13 november jongstleden hebben wij u geïnformeerd dat Australië noodmaatregelen heeft ingesteld tegen de bacterie Xylella fastidiosa. Deze maatregelen zijn ingegaan per 19 november 2015.
Recentelijk heeft de Australische Plantenziektenkundige Dienst onderstaande mail verstuurd naar alle Australische houders van een import permit voor bloembollen. Hierin wordt aangekondigd dat de noodmaatregelen voor bloembollen voorlopig worden uitgesteld en dat het toegestaan is om de bolgewassen die onder de noodmaatregelen vallen tot 31 maart 2016 te importeren.
De NVWA heeft aangegeven dat deze mail aan de permit houders voor hen de officiële bevestiging is dat voor de bloembollen die vallen onder de noodmaatregelen voorlopig nog fytosanitaire certificaten afgegeven mogen worden.
Van: Imports <>
Verzonden: donderdag 26 november 2015 9:54
Onderwerp: Xylella quarantine emergency measures - Notification of temporary delay in emergency measures for BKD certified bulbs from the Netherlands [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Dear permit holder
This email is for import permit holders who may import certified bulbs under the Bloembollenkeuringsdienst (BKD) scheme from Netherlands, and who may be affected by the announced emergency measures for Xylella pathogen. Whilst the content of the published alert remains unchanged, we have provided some additional information below, based on your recent feedback/questions:
a) Our review of natural hosts of Xylella spp has identified some bulb families will be regulated under the emergency conditions such as Amaryllidaceae (e.g Narcissus and Hippeastrum), Asparagaceae (e.g Hyacinths) and Amaryllidaceae (e.g Alliums). While some plant families are presently not impacted by the emergency measures, such as Liliaceae (includes tulips and liliums), Iridaceae (e.g crocus, freesia, gladiolus and iris).
b) The department will temporarily delay implementation of Xylella emergency conditions for affected host certified bulbs (Narcissus, Hyacinths and Hippeastrum) produced under the BKD Scheme in the Netherlands until 31 March 2016 . This means that you may continue to import these certified bulbs from the Netherlands as per standard quarantine arrangements conditions until 31 March 2016.
c) During this period, the department will continue to collaborate with the Dutch National Plant Protection Organisation, to determine if alternative approved arrangements can be established for both certified and non certified bulbs.
d) There is no dispensation or delay in emergency measures for non certified bulbs from the Netherlands or any other country. Import permit conditions for non certified bulbs will varied to include the new emergency requirements.
If you require further information to the above information, we would appreciate you emailing us at (please title your email with ‘Xylella emergency conditions’).
Plant Import Operations Branch | Plant Division
Phone 1800 900 090
Department of Agriculture and Water Resources
7 London Circuit, Canberra ACT 2601 Australia
GPO Box 858, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia
Ik hoop u hiermee voldoende geïnformeerd te hebben.
Archief > 2015 > december
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