Brexit / Import checks for plants and plant products, from January 2022


Met ingang van 1 januari 2022 wordt in het VK de importinspectie voor High Priority Plants - waar zowel bloembollen als boomkwekerijproducten onder vallen - verschoven van Place of Destination (PoD) naar Border Control Posts (BCP).

Naast import via Border Control Posts biedt DEFRA ook de mogelijkheid om de importinspectie te verleggen naar een locatie landinwaarts. Engelse bedrijven kunnen een aanvraag indienen om erkend te worden als Control Point. In onderstaande bericht treft u nadere informatie aan over de voorwaarden die daarvoor van toepassing zijn.


Good afternoon, 

Import checks for plants and plant products, from January 2022

Earlier this year, the government announced a revised timetable for the phased introduction of controls on imports from the EU into GB, to ensure businesses had time to prepare.  

Alongside BCPs, Defra has provided businesses the opportunity to be designated as a Control Point (CP).  

CPs are inland inspection facilities where sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) checks of plants and plant products can take place, which operate under customs supervision. CPs have the same function as a BCP, providing the first line of control in maintaining UK biosecurity.   

A CP needs to provide the same biosecurity safeguards as a BCP and enable movements away from the border under customs control. Consequently, they must be customs authorised as a temporary storage facility and meet the same minimum requirements as a BCP in terms of facilities and resource to facilitate inspections.    

  • Further information on CPs and BCPs can be found on the Plant Health Portal. 
  • We will also be hosting a webinar on Wednesday 18 August at 12:30pm, for any questions you may have on BCPs and CPs. 
  • Further information and details on how to register can be found here. 

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